This valuable Book was translated from Russian
Taking Jews from Satan and bringing them back to YEHOWAH again and renaming them as Israelites of the New Covenant and putting a spirit of Prophets' brothers and Angels' friends in their hearts according to the prophecies about them in Jer.31:31...40; 23:6; 24:7; Ezek.11:19, 20; Deut.30:6; 10:16; (Jer.4:4); Is.65:15; 62:2; Mal.4:5, 6, 7; B.H.11 and (2:17).
YEHOWAH's Message to HIS Yehowist fellowship of Prophets' brothers 1):
"Liars are those who claim to be Jews! No, they are not Jews, but a crowd of Satan. I will make some of those satanic Jews come and bow at your feet when they learn that I have loved you!" B.H. 3:9; 2:9.
That's how YEHOWAH the Victorious speaks: "The day will come and it will burn like a furnace and will set on fire all those despising you and rebelling against ME like stubble. Before that great and dreadful day 2)of MINE, I will send you the prophet Elijah to fill your hearts with devotion and love to ME like those of all your Holy Fathers were; or else I will come and strike you with an eternal curse!" Mal.3:19, 23, 24; (4:1, 5, 6); the translation conveys a true sense of the prophecy rather than a word-for-word translation.
YEHOWAH Commanding HIS Messenger
Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a people that abandoned ME, and that has been rebelling against ME like their ancestors to this very day. But these children 3), to whom I am sending you, have obstinate heads and stubborn hearts. Say to them that this is what the GOD ADONAI YEHOWAH (and not you) says. Take no notice whether they listen to you or not, for they are the most rebellious people. Be it known to them that I have sent them a Prophet.
And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor their threats 4), though they seemed briers and mortal enemies to you and that they would want to sting you like scorpions. Do not be afraid of their threats nor terrified by their fierce faces because they are rebellious to ME, but keep telling them MY Words, though they will not listen to you because they are obstinate. But you, son of man, stick to MY Words and do not rebel against ME like that rebellious offspring!" Ezek.2:3...8; 5:6; 6:9; Is.1:2,5...24; B.H.2:9; 3:9.
My message to HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH's children, whom HE rejected and let Satan disperse them all over the world and convert them to different religions and to his talmudic superstition
Shalom Aleichem, famous Judaic people, accept blessing from the Holiest GOD of your forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, David and all HIS Holy Prophets!
Not only you, dispersed Jews, but also the entire world know that your GOD has been unable to bring you to your senses and to turn to HIM starting from your exodus from Egypt up till now with different wonders good for you, nor blandishments, nor terrible riots against you, nor punishments because HIS oldest enemy, or creator of death Satan, lured you with his terrible faith into one God common to all people, whom no one has ever seen and who is invisible 5). He took not only you from MANGOD YEHOWAH 6)but also a lot of YEHOWAH's Angels. This time your GOD YEHOWAH made up HIS mind to take you from Satan with HIS most precious gift that you will not get or buy anywhere even for mountains of diamonds, rather than with wonders, blandishments nor with punishments. That is, by sending you these two small Books 7).
So, get together, beloved brothers Jews around this GOD-given gift (and listen to it), and review it from the perspective of three criteria; that is, each of you should make sure that all things written in these books correspond with:
1 Hebrew Holy Scriptures;
2 Experience or world history; and
3 Common sense.
If it proves to be the same Eternal Truth of the Living GOD that has come out of HIS Holiest Mouth starting from the first Prophet and to HIS two Messengers, who will be killed by the satanic beast from the abyss in the last days in Satan's glorious city allegorically called "Sodom and Egypt 8)", then give your sincere and joyful gratitude to the GOD of the Holy Prophets YEHOWAH for this unbelievable grace from HIM, and try to show this precious gift or so long awaited joy from HIM to all Jews living in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia, and distribute this book sparing neither your property nor your life. Remember that you should keep your old enemy named Satan from learning about these books. And be sure that once all the dispersed Jews read the Books and change to Jews of the New Covenant or Israelites; that is, they will know their HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH and will give HIM all their lives9), only after this will HE bring you back to HIS Israelite promised land and from then on HE will not hide HIS Face from you, nor leave you even for a short time, nor eternally. It is true! Amen!
Following the Command of my and your GOD, I hug you, kiss you and bless you with the NAME of the HOLIEST GOD YEHOWAH and at the same time tell you sincerely, as it should be done before our GOD, that I am a sincere friend and invincible fighter for YEHOWAH like the Prophet Elijah fought for HIM in the ancient times.
Ilyin, December 15, 1880, Mitau city.
About the future coming of the Hebrew MESSIAH, the EVERLASTING HEBREW named YEHOWAH or GOD of the Holy Prophets from Mount Zion on the white horse with his army on white horses for protecting HIS Hebrew people from satanic Christians.
Or revealing a great mystery of GOD 10)both to modern Jews and to Christians that the HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH was crucified under the NAME JESUS CHRIST 11)or the very HEBREW, who had lunch at Abraham's house near the oak, walked and stood with him in the vicinity to Sodom, tested whether Abraham was loyal to HIM, wrestled with Jacob and spoke to Moses Face to face and with all the Holy Prophets, made a mistake in choosing Saul as a king, and as a person with a soul12) could not come to the camp of the Israelites if they did not bury their feces. Deut.23:12...14.
This is how the EVERLASTING Person YEHOWAH speaks: "On that day 13)I will make up MY mind to defeat all those Gentiles, who will come against Jerusalem 14)and against the house 15)of David. I will pour out the spirit of grace and blessing 16)on the house of David and all inhabitants of Jerusalem; since they will look on ME, whom they pierced, and they shall cry (about what they did to ME and about their mistake) and grieve. There shall be a great mourning in their land 17)on that day, as the mourning of Hadad-Rimmon in the valley of Megiddo. And the land shall mourn, every family apart: the family of the house of David apart and their wives apart, the family of the house of Nathan apart 18)and their wives apart, the family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart, the family of the house of Shimei apart; every family apart and their wives apart 19). They will repent saying, "HE seemed worthless and undeserving because HE was a man of suffering and acquainted with disease. That is why we all despised and rejected HIM as the most worthless person 20). Truly, despite coming in our painful and weak body HE did not open HIS Mouth as a lamb that was led to the slaughter or as a sheep that before its shearers is mute 21)."
So, like the Prophet Isaiah, I call on the Heavens and Earth 22)to witness that Christians and Jews still do not know their GOD and that HE stretches out HIS Hands to you every day but you keep turning away from HIM, and don't want to abandon Satan! It is true! Amen! 23).
My invitation to Jews to come back to their HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH or to the GOD of the Holy Prophets JESUS CHRIST.
Jewish people chosen by YEHOWAH for never-ending eternity or Holy Children of my GOD YEHOWAH, this is how the GOD of Abraham, Isaak, Jacob and of all Holy Prophets has been addressing you for 2700 years: "Come back to me and I will come back to you; since I stretch out MY Hands to you every day, but you keep turning away from ME!" Is.31:6; 45:22; 65:1; (1:2,3); Ezek.33:11; 18:32; Joel 2:12; Hos.14:2; Jer.3:12 and Zech.1:3.
Now let me ask you a question: why have you been clogging your ears against this good News from your GOD and do not want to come back to HIM, and fall into the embrace of HIS Holiest Hands HE has been stretching out to you every day for so long with sincere love and devotion to HIM? I know you will not be able to give me a convincing answer to this question, then would you please listen reverently to the answer I will give you instead?
You have been failing to hear the Invitation to your GOD because YEHOWAH's old enemy Satan clogged your ears and misled you with his terribly intricate books, talmuds, prayers, rituals and geshafts in his Gentile world, or in his 666 Christianities, with which he lured and overtook a lot of YEHOWAH's Angels 24).
Now it is clear according to knowledge that to abandon Satan and leave peoples or nations hostile to you and come to the Kingdom of your FATHER, KING, MESSIAH or GOD YEHOWAH, you must write these words of YEHOWAH on small pieces of paper, squeeze them in your fists and hit each other on the ears, and I assure you, when pain in your ears disappears then each of you will definitely hear in your mind the following irrefutable Truth that:
1 It is not YEHOWAH or JESUS CHRIST, who must come to you, but you yourselves must immediately come back to HIM to HIS country, to HIS eternal house on Zion 25).
2 Before your exodus from the world Babylon or from the Christian Sodom 26)you must burn all your books, all synagogue music and all beautiful things in them.
3 Throw away all your gold, silver and money to the last cent as the money that you got from Satan, rather than from YEHOWAH.
4 Put on rags, go out of your houses decisively and devotedly without anything, even without sticks and head towards Zion 27)without looking back at your Gentile or satanic property believing Isaiah 60 that YEHOWAH will give you HIS own gold, silver and other things for an abundant and peaceful life with HIM 28).
5 If you face a terrible obstacle on your way or even die from cold and hunger or from thirst for bitter water, keep moving calmly being ready to go through any suffering and even torturous death with joy. You must not rebel nor threaten your enemies without YEHOWAH's Command.
Think about the Commands, you GOD-chosen people29), that require you to show your eager striving for the CRUCIFIED HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH and uttermost devotion in trusting HIM, or believing HIS promise given through Ezekiel 37 that HE would raise all of you from the dead.
I cannot hide the Truth from you that if you don't make up your mind to selflessly abandon Satan and give all your life or even die for YEHOWAH in view of your deep-rooted stubbornness and satanic egoism30) then scream, mumble, fast, talmudize, sing and buzz with funny music in your gorgeous synagogues for another 2700 years but YEHOWAH will not come to you, and will continue to ignore your prayers to HIM. It is true! Amen.
!הקשיבו בזהירות, נסו להבין וחדלו להתמרד
Listen carefully, try to understand and stop rebelling!
.שובו אלי ואשובה אליכם
Come back to ME and I will come back to you.
Kommt zumir zurück, dann komme ich zu euch.
Halleluiah! Amen.
All the dispersed children of YEHOWAH and my sincere friends for all eternity 31), I kiss you and bless you.
I'm the one defeating Satan with CRUCIFIED YEHOWAH's ever-unchangeable Good News 32)in protection of GOD's Israel, Ilyin.
And I am brother of the Holy Hebrew Prophets and friend of JESUS CHRIST's or YEHOWAH's Angels. B.H.22:9.
A new Truth according to knowledge
Superior or the noblest human race, all descendants of Jacob, who is the first-born son of the EVERLASTING Man YEHOWAH 33), try to understand my reply to your letter dated July 18 34)with reverence.
If you recognized me as the father of your Hebrew religion (or Religion Vater) according to your knowledge, then you should inevitably come to the following truths:
1. From now on you should consider Judah as your birth giver and me as your rebirth giver.
2. Up till now you have been called Jews of the old Covenant or "Judaists" after your father, and now you should be proudly called Judaists of the new Covenant or "Ilyinites" after your rebirth giver.
3. You have been called Yehowists after your GOD's NAME 35)revealed to Moses. From now on, you must be called "Jesusites" 36)with delight after HIS new NAME 37)revealed to me, according to Is.62:2; 65:15; (B.H.2:17).
4. If according to the law the father is the head of his children, then the rebirth giver should be your principle head.
5. If the father should live where a central office of his children is established then their rebirth giver should be there too.
6. As these 5 irrefutable truths have resulted from human judgment, and as you know from the first book, article 1 that human judgment stands way too far from YEHOWAH's intentions in HIS Fight against HIS old enemy as Heavens from Earth, consequently, before fulfilling these truths you must let one of JESUS' seven Messengers, who was appointed to manage HIS Affairs in Europe38), know about them, and get a reply from him approved by the LAMB HIMSELF or your GOD JESUS.
Regarding your being puzzled about the terribly dreadful day39) that will come on you, I should tell you, as the father of your religion, that it is none of our business to learn its purpose, or what will come out of it, or according to your expression: Wofür ist das alles?
But you must fulfill the Commands given by your GOD JESUS through me devotedly and as soon as possible; that is, you (like my older and powerful children) must use all your resources to enlighten as many humbler brothers as possible with the Truth that has been revealed to you40), so they all would know the two everlasting men: HEBREW GOD and Gentile God, or their GOD under HIS new NAME "JESUS" and God of the Gentiles under His new name "Moazim" or "God-spirit". When all the dispersed Jews know these two Gods, then you must send them another two books: Prayer Book and Book from Heaven. Finally, I should tell you, my cordially beloved and reborn children that judging by your words you did not quite decisively and joyfully put the new NAME of your GOD – JESUS in your hearts. Consequently, you have not yet completely abandoned HIS enemy Satan41) and deadly talmuds, prayers, sermons and funny theatrical lures in his synagogues. Moreover, you haven't yet started to fulfil the new Commandment of your GOD keeping your ears far from this life-giving Commandment. Don't be angry with me, your rebirth giver, for such a bitter reminder; since I must fulfil GOD's Will, rather than adapt HIS Holy Scriptures in order to please people and the powers that be of the satanic world.
So, now you seem to understand that your words about me: "(daba-bdru) ansnbouunb cyux ubyu usb ubasexn sax" sound offensive, humiliating and very bitter to me. For it means that you do not take me, the father of your religion, for your friend but for an egoist42) like you. You are terribly wrong; with that you demonstrate your being deaf to this good Message from GOD43). It is true! Amen.
Now that your hearts have turned into stones I, your rebirth giver and Messenger from YEHOWAH, must stop treating you gently as my friends and children but command you insistently that you immediately reply to me44).
Your rebirth giver and at the same time your sincerest friend Ilyin.
My Message to Jews of the New Covenant in Paris
My friends for all eternity and children45) reborn by me, if you had given me that great title not because of idle talk, or to be precise Jewish idle talk, but because you asked your GOD about me: "Our Sweetest GOD YEHOWAH, truly YOUR Messenger Elijah is the one about whom you prophesied in Malachi 4:5,6 that YOU would send him to us46) before the great and dreadful day47) in order to connect our hearts with those of our holy Fathers; that is, make us as cordially faithful and filled with love to YOU like our Fathers were to YOU: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, David, Samuel and all Holy Prophets, so when YOU come to us YOU will not strike all of us with a curse for all eternity48). Since after the Truth revealed to us and to the entire world through Your Messenger, we should not be expecting another messenger preaching YOU or YOUR Book from Heaven more clearly than YOUR Messenger Elijah, but we should only expect the two Messengers from YOU, who will protect us defeating our enemies with different calamities!" B.H.11:3...13.
I hasten to communicate to you the grace that CRUCIFIED YEHOWAH or JESUS has given me; that is, an article entitled "A voice of one crying to this mortal world" that you should attach to the "Invitation to become immortal" and then distribute this unbelievable grace from YEHOWAH as soon as possible: firstly, among all the dispersed Jews who are experiencing the coming of the dreadful day49); secondly, among all people made in HIS Image50), whom Satan has also overtaken and arranges for them to be exterminated with superstition and death like you. Truly, our HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH is the GOD of Mercy and Sun of Truth, and for this reason HE grieves about people made in HIS Image and dying, and wants all of them to know HIM, abandon Satan and join YEHOWAH's fellowship, and become as immortal as Adam and Eve were before they left YEHOWAH and joined Satan51). Besides this I want to remind you that you must not look down on those Gentiles who became brothers of your Holy Prophets and friends of YEHOWAH's Angels because HE will give them a much more significant reward as compared to yours; that is, HE takes Yehowists, who have overcome Satan and all his religions, straight to HIS Heavenly tabernacle52) or for eternal life to HIS Heavenly Throne. Overcomers from Laodicea are invited to sit with HIM on HIS Throne while Jews or Israelites as a whole will be taken to HIS Earthly Kingdom only for 1000 years. Even though HE will make you long living however not immortal, and HE will exterminate sinners among you utterly and for all.
Try to understand, my children, MANGOD's wonderful Plan for ruling the world and start learning these good and unbelievable revelations from HIM day and night, rather than satanic talmuds53). At the same time focus all your resources and effort54) solely on inviting people from all nations and tribes55) to the GOD KING of Kings YEHOWAH as soon as possible. Open wide your hearts to me and stop avoiding me56); since, if YEHOWAH decided to choose me from Gentiles57) for HIS great Mission and for declaring HIS Eternal Truth not only to you but also to the whole world, so what makes you rebel against HIS Will about me and voice your discontent about sending you (a prophet) an enlightener from Gentiles, rather than from Jewish Zadokites!
Don't you believe that our human desires, intentions and plans stand way too far from those of YEHOWAH as Heaven from Earth in this fight against Satan? Come to your senses so you will not die like Dathan and Abiram!
Do you hear what YEHOWAH says about the Jews: In order to avoid striking you with abandoning (or curse)" for all eternity when I come to you; since I can make Israelites of the new Covenant from stones". Recall that he spoke with Moses about all your ancestors when HE also wanted to exterminate them all and raise up new ones of Moses.
Feel horrified and tremble, my children, with these Words of your GOD! Leave all you have and get only to HIS Works! Arm yourselves with HIS new weapon and follow HIM for the last and decisive58) battle against Satan. That is, wake up from this prolonged delusion with satanic talmuds and synagogues!
Wake up, my cordial friends and children! Give all your life to YEHOWAH or JESUS and labor day and night doing only HIS Works59) and start fulfilling the new Commandment given by HIM, and be sure that HE'll reward you with as much the same crown of immortality as HIS faithful friends from the Gentiles. It is true! Amen.
I command you in the NAME of YEHOWAH fall down on your faces before the New NAME of your GOD - JESUS after reading this letter, and exclaim loudly Hallelujah to HIM and give HIM Honor, Glory and Gratitude for HIS life-giving revelation to you; send me60) all your names as soon as possible with kiss from those, who abandoned Satan and satanic Jewish crowds, and joined me in my squad of Prophets' brothers and Angels' friends or fearless fighters for YEHOWAH and these Commands. Hallelujah! Amen. Your sincere friend Ilyin.
My Message to Jews of the New Covenant in Paris
My cordially beloved children reborn by me with consent of the Holiest HEBEW GOD YEHOWAH or CRUCIFIED GOD of all Holy Prophets JESUS B.H.22:6, 16; 1:17,18, I proved to you with the most precious gift from your GOD YEHOWAH sent through me and in my letters that you did not make a mistake having recognized me as the father of your religion (Religion Vater) and that I am the one about whom YEHOWAH prophesied in Malachi 4:5,6. At the same time I have given you HIS Commands if you Jews, dispersed and abandoned (for 2000 years) by YEHOWAH in HIS final and fiercest Fight against Satan, do not abandon Satan; that is, if you do not burn all your satanic talmuds, books, prayers and do not destroy all your terribly fascinating things in synagogues or your satanic superstition with music, singing nonsense, or if you do not change into HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH's or JESUS' Blessed people of the New Covenant, HE will exterminate you utterly for all eternity, rather than strike you by extending your dispersion among satanic nations. HE will establish HIS Divine Israelite Kingdom in Palestine on those 10 Israelite tribes hidden in Arsareth and especially on 144,000 Immortal Israelites and on those people, whom you take as renegades from your talmudic faith, or as heretics and godless people61). Today YEHOWAH let me know that despite considering HIS current Good News given through me to be good and life-giving Truth, still you have not put it fully in your dead hearts (or hearts of stone); that is, you have not yet got rid of satanic enticements with amusingly funny superstition62). You have not quite recognized CRUCIFIED JESUS (ESA) as the very HEBREW GOD, who had lunch at Abraham's house, wrestled with Jacob and as a Person talked to Moses and to all your Holy Fathers, and that you keep getting together in synagogues for amusement and casting your sins into the water starting from the new year wanting to avoid riots raised against you by YEHOWAH63) with fasts and mumbling nonsense instead of following YEHOWAH's Command not to sin and to exactly follow HIS New Commandment64); that is, write the words Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite on your hearts of the new Covenant, rather than on your 4 synagogues only65).
So, after showing your opposition to YEHOWAH and even after getting this precious gift from HIM, what shall I think about you? When will you start to exactly follow all the pleasant Commands given by HIM?
How long shall I wait for you to hug me more tightly than your natural father?
Try to be judicious, otherwise I will have to turn away from you according to YEHOWAH's Command (voiced) in HIS B.H.2:9; 3:9; and in no case shall I share HIS Book from Heaven with my notes with you, nor send you any Revelations from HIS Plan for ruling the world.
Hey, my reborn children! Don't put out the light that shone to you from the North but keep spreading it faster and as much as possible! Get rid of your (Jewish) mortal human nature faster and become immortal people like Adam and Eve were before they abandoned YEHOWAH!
Is a pile of gold with miraculously musical synagogues and long and abundant life in Palestine more important to you than immortality? Are you that deaf that you cannot guess that if you get to Palestine, or even to the paradise on the Moon without YEHOWAH, you will be hated and persecuted even there?
I wish you could know how selflessly and devotedly and with endless love to YEHOWAH many Gentiles join HIS Fellowship of Prophets' brothers and Angels' friends (or Fraternite). Even though you are unlikely to surpass them out of jealousy, I advise that you at least catch up to them in their pursuit of immortality, rather than to Palestine. I also advice that you think carefully about the last line through the Prophet Malachi.
Pay your wise attention to me, and to speed up your salvation from death do not take too long with your answer to me to this letter!
I also should tell you that the helper S. given to me by YEHOWAH for passing this pleasant Good News66) to YEHOWAH-rejected Jews, doesn't dare to kiss me without your permission, nor give Gratitude and Glory to YEHOWAH with me without your permission for this life-giving Truth given by YEHOWAH through me. Of course, he doesn't dare to spread GOD's Truth among his subordinate brothers67) in view of ties supported by all Jews.
So, you like elder or like proponents of the satanic ties will be held responsible before YEHOWAH for the death of your humbler brothers68), who trust you more than YEHOWAH. That is, you will be held responsible for taking the key to the Eternal Evangelical Truth that you do not take yourself, nor you let others open it. It has been like that among Jews throughout all times. And these ties have destroyed you.
Why do you frown and not rejoice that I dared to tell you GOD's Truth so fearlessly and sharply even for millionaires? Since I must follow YEHOWAH's Command despite evil done to me by HIS enemies as it was shown at the beginning of this Book.
Oh, I wish I could bring you back to YEHOWAH!
Hey, my dear children tell me that you have recognized me as the father of your Sinai Religion out of sincere and irrefutable persuasion and then we will kiss each other with sincere, brotherly love of YEHOWAH, equality, cordial and inseparable friendship and start exclaiming Hallelujah to HIM together! And falling down on our faces before HIM glorify HIM everywhere according to the commands in my Book of Hymns.
Be sensible in what you have started and try to finish it with commitment and devotion. Otherwise you would have better remained unaware of this Will of GOD, rather than disobey HIS Will after learning it. It is true! It is clear even to a savage!
So, I am looking forward to getting your reply, but now it is like that. Peace be with you, and as Prophets' brother and Angels' friend I give you my blessing in CHRIST's and my brotherly kiss. Hallelujah to CHRUCIFIED HEBREW GOD JESUS CHRIST or YEHOWAH! Amen.
I am the disprover of all 666 Christianities and satanic Judaism in the Glory of CHRUCIFIED YEHOWAH and in protection of HIS first-born son Israel, your rebirth giver Elijah.
My Message to Mr. Schaefer
The highest duke or president, excuse me that I dared to call you by an official title, rather than my cordial son as it should be according to the GOD's Truth that you know. The reason is that you did not approve the decision to recognize me as "Father of the Israelite Religion" with your signature, or did not approve the name "Chosid Nahum" that your board had given me on July 18, 1881. It is not that important. What is really important is that your board, to which all those Commands from GOD have been sent, has not yet started fulfilling them. Your indifference to YEHOWAH's Works that are good not only for the Jewish people but also for the entire mortal world led me to think that you did not quite understand HIS Battle Plan that HE is going to use in order to utterly defeat HIS old enemy Satan. For this reason, I should explain this Plan of GOD to you more clearly keeping it as short as possible.
So, I command you, senior president, with the Holiest NAME of my and your GOD YEHOWAH that you immediately do the following:
1. Declare the following secret of the Hebrew GOD in the presence of all members of the board, and other Jews and Yehowists committed to GOD's Works through a sensible translator:
At the end of 6000-year fight between two Everlasting and Immortal Men of equal strength or between the HEBREW GOD and Pagan God, various disagreements, philosophical and theological systems, sermons, sects and talmuds and different secret communities, alliances between kings, riots, disorders, revolts, wars and terrible physical disasters69), high prices on all and exorbitant taxes will occur throughout all countries and nations that believe in one unknown and invisible God the Creator of All. The entire satanic world will find itself perplexed70); that is, no one will know whom to join and what to do, where to find the saving truth in that chaos? YEHOWAH calls this event World Testing Hour71) in the Book from Heaven and covering all nations with darkness in Is.60:2. At that time the HEBREW GOD or CRUCIFIED GOD of the Holy Prophets JESUS decided to reveal HIS Universal and Life-giving Truth first to Jews out of mercy to all HIS human images72) and deceived by Satan, while Jews must use all their resources and property to spread the Truth among all nations and tribes secretly from Satan.
2. Fall down on your faces before this star

And exclaim with delight: GOD of our Holy Prophets JESUS or God of Israel YEHOWAH falling down on our faces before your Holiest NAME we thank YOU with our sincere love to YOU for YOUR good REVELATION, and we promise to spread YOUR Mercy and Life-giving Truth both among Jews and among all Gentiles! It is true! Amen.
3. Mister president, then burn fragrant incense on this Holiest NAME on the star.

4. Now please be seated and listen to further Commands from YEHOWAH with great reverence. In the NAME of CRUCIFIED GOD of the Holy Prophets YEHOWAH, I as HIS Messenger, command that you, leaders of the dispersed Judaic people, do the following:
5. Let the translator read the three books attached here in the presence of all members of the board in the corresponding order.
6. Read the books seven times, rather than once; consequently, it should take you a few days.
7. After reading the books, thank YEHOWAH with great delight exclaiming HURRAH, VIVAT! HOSANNAH! And HALLELUAH to YOU our Sweetest GOD YEHOWAH for your mercy to Jews and to all people.
Then each of you hold the star tight to your hearts and kiss the words: YEHOWAH, JESUS, MESSIAH and HEILAND hard three times. After this, congratulate each other on this great DIVINE grace and kiss like friends, and then each of you turn in the direction of Mitau city and send me your brotherly air kiss.
8. Once the celebration is over, you must print out and translate these Books as soon as possible into all languages and send numerous copies to all countries and nations73), firstly to all Jews and then command them that they hand them out to Gentiles and predominantly to their biblical fellowships; since those fellowships have huge funds, and therefore can help YEHOWAH by sending this Invitation to people to become immortal instead of their bibles.
9. As these DIVINE Works require a lot of funds then invite all Rothschilds and similar wealthy people74) to sacrifice millions to support the great mission for spreading this unbelievably Good News from GOD among all people.
10. If the vicious spirit of mammon and stingy death rebel against the Command from the GOD of Israel, and they would want to spread HIS Mercy among Jews only, and not among all people, then tell them on behalf of me that they will die with all their gold and mammon like Dathan and Abiram, who rebelled against YEHOWAH in the ancient times.
11. If my message to you brings you to your senses and you abandon Satan in all ways and submit to CRUCIFIED YEHOWAH and start fulfilling HIS Works and Commands in the Book from Heaven with joy and enthusiasm, then you will inevitably come to the conclusion that you must put your souls and hearts together with my soul and heart, your rebirth giver. Therefore, you must fulfill GOD'S Commandment for treating parents; that is, love me and take care of me, in other words, give me more care than to your natural father75).
12. To prove that you made one heart and one soul with me following GOD's Will, you must send me 76) a faithful friend of yours, who knew YEHOWAH and abandoned the satanic and talmudic Jewry.
I want to encourage you one more time, my beloved children Jews, to strive for immortality from YEHOWAH for all eternity, rather than to a Palestinian paradise on Earth that you could enjoy for 1000 years and then disappear. Since bodily eternal life is much more precious than any pleasures on all suns and planets. HE gives the life only to those who will abandon Satan and all his religions and crowds and will renounce all pleasures, amusements, enticements, wealth and honors of satanic people, and who will join YEHOWAH's fellowship of Angels' friends and Prophets' brothers or Israelites of the new Covenant, will love every brother of YEHOWAH as s/he loves himself and will take only CRUCIFIED HEBREW GOD YEHOWAH77) as his GOD and SAVIOR (That is, MESSIAH or as CHRIST), and follow Commands and Works only of this GOD and take different people from Satan and bring them to YEHOWAH selflessly, or being ready to die a torturous death.
Understand this will of the Living GOD or GOD of Immortality, Unity, Equality, Peace and Love, my children, that HE will appear only to such children again in Person and will lead you out of the mortal Babylon again along the path of suffering like HE led your ancestors out of the Egyptian despotism78).
I call on Heavens and Earth to witness that if you do not fulfill these Commands from HIM, then you will die, nor will you reach Palestine, and only your children will reach it, like all those who left Egypt died in the desert, and even HIS friend Moses did not enter Palestine79). It is true! Amen.
As Prophets' brother and Angels' friend I'm sending each of you my blessing from the bottom of my heart and soul and hoping to see you with joy.
Your rebirth giver and friend Elijah.
My message to every Jew
Wake up faster every Jew! Open your eyes closed by Satan without waiting for your Alliance to open them for you. Since I assure you that this satanic crowd consisting of wealthy and ignorant people is unwakeable for all eternity, so YEHOWAH is right saying that it is difficult for a wealthy person to enter HIS equal and non-talmudic Israelite Kingdom of the new Covenant!
Message to educated Jews
Wake yourself up, every Jew, educated with the Universal Wisdom! Open your eyes closed by Satan with satanic theologies without waiting for your Alliance or your rabbi to open them for you; Since I assure you like Holy Nahum Ish Ham Zuh that this satanic crowd consisting of wealthy and ignorant people is unwakeable for all eternity, so YEHOWAH is right saying about them that it is difficult for a wealthy person to enter HIS equal and non-talmudic Israelite Kingdom of the new Covenant.
He who has ears to hear, listen to these words very carefully!