This valuable Book was translated from Russian
Brothers, all people, I have learnt about an IMMORTAL MAN in Is.65:1 and Rom.10:20, who lives for
For this reason you should read this Book with reverence checking it against the footnotes, astronomy and according to knowledge6)
The Symbol of Faith for those, who abandoned Satan, his mortal world, all individual faiths, and joined YEHOWAH in HIS World Brotherly Faith or Religion of HIS Immortal people in order to become immortal
There are two Mangods in our Solar System: YEHOWAH and Satan. Therefore,
YEHOWAH8) HIMSELF was Crucified under the NAME of the Jew YESHUA of Nazareth or in Greek JESUS CHRIST.
After 6000 years from the day Adam and Eve were expelled from the Paradise YEHOWAH will defeat Satan, bind him and put him into a bottomless pit (in A…ia)9). Then HE will bring Peace, Freedom10) and Prosperity and One Faith under the world rule of Jerusalem Republic or Israelite One for 1000 years.

After 1000 years of Peace and One Faith Satan will break out from the pit for 111 years and start creating again various
Then YEHOWAH will exterminate Satan and satanists utterly and make the new Earth million times as big without oceans and seas and will settle on it with HIS Yehowists for 280,000 years.
HE will improve the new Earth afterwards; He will be improving Earth from time to time to perfection beyond comprehension, and HE will live on it with the immortal people
The city of Jerusalem will come down to the new Earth out of Heaven, made by sky people - that is, people living on other planets, decorated with gems of twelve grades, streets paved with
YEHOWAH's Palace will be located at the center of the city. There will not be any Temple nor sacrifices. There will be a river proceeding from under the Palace along all streets; wonderful trees will grow on its banks yielding fruit monthly. Eating this fruit will prevent people from aging and dying allowing them to stay immortal infinitely: men at the age of 3413) and women - 16.
There will be 24 Kingdoms made up of the righteous nations14) outside Jerusalem city. Though the outside inhabitants will be immortal as well but they will suffer from diseases occasionally, and they will have to ask the city dwellers for leaves from the trees of life for healing. B.H. chapters 20, 21 and 22.
That is the city of Jerusalem to which YEHOWAH invites
Predicting the last Battle between YEHOWAH and Satan and satanists in Armageddon and YEHOWAH's accession in Jerusalem with resurrected Yehowists for 1000 years
When the sixth Angel pours out his bowl on the Great river Euphrates, and its water will be dried up16), so that the way of the kings from the East be prepared. Three unclean spirits like frogs will come out of the mouths of the dragon (Satan)17), of the beast, and out of the mouth of the beast's prophet. And these magic spirits will work
And those who sit on the thrones will be given power over the nations22). The souls23) beheaded for their witness to JESUS24) and for the Word of GOD, who did not worship the beast, his image and receive his mark on their foreheads or hands would
But the rest of the dead will not be raised until after the thousand years have passed. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and
Predicting peace to the whole world and emergence of one World Brotherly Faith in YEHOWAH for all people for 1000 years
Darkness shall cover the
The Temple will be built on
A question for satanists of all 666 christianities
Matt.25:31...46 plainly says when YEHOWAH comes with HIS Yehowists or with HIS small
Jews disbelieving YEHOWAH for 4000 years
Overly talmudic herr rabbi, who is physically alive but internally dead, or the one who angrily disbelieves YEHOWAH's Words in Is.48:4; 6:9, 10; Ezek.2:4...6; 3:26, 27; Is.65:1, 2, 15, 17; B.H.2:9; 3:9; 1:3; 22:6, 7, 9, 17; Matt.23:30...37; 8:11, 12 and even kills HIS Holy servants who believed HIS Words. That is, they believed HIM that Jews are the most superstitious, worthless, obstinate and rebellious people or people disbelieving HIM for 4000 years32), who turned into a satanic crowd, hostile to HIM and to all humankind as Satan. That is why they have been killing all HIS Prophets and HIM HIMSELF
I want to bring you to your senses out of my love to you and, more importantly, following YEHOWAH's Command to help you overcome such terrible unbelief in these Words of YEHOWAH by sending you more proof that HIS Words about Jews being worthless are not false but the Holiest Truth, which is evident and clear to all other people.
Christians disbelieving CHRIST
Lords of the three Christian Romes showing indulgence of sins and worshiping icons and the dead and insistently disbelieving the Word of CHRIST in Matt.25:31...46 and B.H.1:3; 22:7, 9, 1733) and even killing and burning all HIS Holy servants, who believed HIS Words34)!
I want to bring you to your senses out of my love to you and, more importantly, following GOD JESUS CHRIST's Command to help you overcome such terrible unbelief in these Words of CHRIST by sending you this undeniable proof that HIS Words are true. If you come to your senses and abandon Satan35) let me know and I will send you all the Good News given by HIM through me for the last days, which is
Satan's commandment for satanists
Ruin life of your neighbor for selfish purposes - that is, for gaining power, influence, fame and wealth, cheat and enslave all your neighbors and kill all your opponents but before you die have a priest forgive all your sins and evildoings. If you are not a religious person then make a big sacrifice to God (God of this World?) and your soul (and not your spirit36)?) will get to a paradise in the most bottomless pit.
The most important question
Every37) religion believes it follows DIVINE Law and not a human one then a question arises:
A cry in this horrible world of various tribes and religions
Peacemakers or those inviting
An unbelievable Message from YEHOWAH to all people
He who overcomes terrible pressure and cunning lures to convert to Satan's individual faiths (or created by God of this world)40) and fulfils MY Commands in the B.H. for that one I will be GOD and he will be MY son. And I will let him sit down with
YEHOWAH's special Address to contemporary Jews
The ALMIGHTY YEHOWAH says to Jews, "Come back to ME like your 10 tribes41) and I will come back to you." Zech.1:3; Is.65:2. Soften your hearts of stone and fill them with
World Messenger's Opinion on YEHOWAH's Address to Jews
My GOD YEHOWAH, it does not seem to me that Jews will be able to come back to YOU until the great satanic rabbi named Rothschild comes back to you. But Rothschild is held by Satan with golden chains worth of many millions. It turns out that first YOU should defeat Satan in order to take Jews from him. I am really surprised that both Jews and Gentiles do not like immortality but they do death! Ezek.18:31, 32, 23.
Out-of-love-to-people admonition
Those satanists who will rebel against YEHOWAH and HIS Invitation to become immortal and all HIS Holy Yehowists will be punished by YEHOWAH in this life. It is true! Amen!
Here are some of those who were punished: Emperor Alexander II, duke Dolgorukov I., chief of the police, minister Knyazhevich, generals: Felkner F. and Franz Odinetz (all four of them were disciples of Kanarski secretly undermining Russia); governors: duke Gagarin of Arkhangelsk city, governor of Kazan, governor of Andrey, and governor Drentel of Kiev; archimandrite Porfiry, Molokan wonder-worker44) named Maxim Rudometkin; from Jews: a wealthy Parisian named Rothschild, and a rabbi from Mogilev city and many other satanic christians and jews, who turned against
My prayer to YEHOWAH
I ask you, my Beloved45) GOD YEHOWAH, to take revenge on YOUR enemies and all those who persecute YOUR Holy Yehowists from the bottom of my heart like those Yehowists asking YOU there in Heaven46); since, they are aware of what they do! Amen.
Essence of this Invitation
According to the above said it is clear that he who would like to become immortal should join neither a true religion, nor Abraham, nor Balaam, nor Israel, nor Ishmael, nor Buddha, nor Confucius, nor Zoroaster, nor Mohammad, nor Pope, nor Crimean Pope, nor Luther, nor Calvin, nor Mormon, nor Rudometkin, nor Pashkov, nor Vilman, nor Leo Deroni, nor Rabbi the Great, nor Melchizedek the
Hallelujah49) to YOU, THE FIRST and the LAST, who has keys to hades and death or JESUS CHRIST50) for YOUR Invitation to become immortal given through me! And if YOU are the ONLY MAN, who has the keys, then I do not want to know other Gods, lords and goddesses of the satanic world51).
Incredible power of the God of this World
This life-giving Light from YEHOWAH shone to
He who teaches that YEHOWAH does not grant physical immortality to people like HE did physical immortality to Elijah, Enoch and Melchizedek but herds their souls into a chimerical paradise or hell that one is Satan's servant and not YEHOWAH's one even though he worked wonders to support his deluded teachings; you should be aware of this fact and do not blame53) YEHOWAH for being left unaware. See Chapter II. B.H.13:4...15.
Those who use YEHOWAH's Eyesalve54) for their eyes will see that this DIVINE selection of people for immortality55) from